Get Up-to-date and Comprehensive Macro Data, All in One Place
Don’t waste time searching through each institution’s archive. Instead, get ahead with data from various financial institutions such as the Federal Reserve, ECB, IMF, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, IMF, World Bank, etc. all in one place. Get powerful insights into economic indicators, monetary policy decisions, financial stability reports, international trade data, and more.
Utilize Advanced Linguistic Analytics with Customizable Topic Extraction
Our advanced NLP engine quickly searches through large volumes of text, highlighting important topics, identifying trends and patterns. With our tool, you can save time and improve accuracy by quickly accessing relevant information. Quickly identify trends in how central banks discuss inflation or interest rates, the overall sentiment on various topics, and what new risks are on the horizon.
Our tool saves you valuable research time by consolidating data from multiple sources and extracting key insights, allowing you to make informed investment decisions through a Macro focus.